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Do YOU have integrity?

Integrity is the foundation of a person. Without integrity, there is no trust. Without integrity, there is no respect. Without trust and respect, there are no relationships. From a social perspective, one without integrity may find themselves surrounded by people who also lack integrity, or they may find themselves extremely lonely. From an organizational standpoint, a person without integrity is someone who will break down teams, will destroy a company, will erode all trust and will infect their colleagues with feelings of despair.

Most people will tell you they have integrity. I’d argue that most people don’t understand what integrity truly is. Let me help you by asking some simple questions. Answer them honestly. This is a great opportunity for self-discovery.

  1. Have you ever been in a position where you were faced with making an unpopular decision?

a. Did you make the decision that will make you come out looking squeaky clean?

b. Or did you do the right thing and help others deal with the resistance?

  1. When someone on your team has a huge accomplishment do you: a. .Take the credit, after all, you are their leader

b. Give them all the credit and acknowledge their hard work publicly

  1. Think about a time where you experienced someone being dishonest in the workplace. What did you do?

a. Walk away and hope someone else will deal with it?

b. Address it head on, regardless of the potential repercussions

  1. When it comes to policies and procedures in the workplace, do you:

a. Think that you are exempt because of your position, but enforce with all your employees

b. Lead by example. If your employees must follow the rules, so do I

  1. Think of a time when an employee was at a disadvantage and needed you to support them and take a stand. What did you do?

a. I did not support them. It would have put my next promotion in jeopardy

b. I stood by them and fought for fair treatment

How many answers were (a)? A person who has integrity will answer all (b).

A person with integrity always does the honest, and right thing. A person with integrity doesn’t think of themselves or the consequences for them standing their ground. Someone with integrity will show courage during conflicting times. When placed under pressure, I person with integrity will hold their head high and remain professional. Finally, a person with integrity will always admit when they are wrong. They will not place blame on someone else, or try to cover their mistake.

So, are you a person with integrity?

I can’t wait to heat your thoughts and comments.

Thank you for reading.

Have an AMAZING week!

© 2020 Modglin Leadership Solutions                                                                                                        

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