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What is most important to you - A year in review

While watching the news this week, I learned about a project called the “Before I Die” wall. It was a temporary wall that was in Tampa where people were encouraged to comment on their hopes and dreams before they die. Talking about death is an uncomfortable thing for many people. I’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about dying myself. Not specifically about the actual dying part, but with more focus on the things that matter to me the most. Many people have told me I was too young to have a bucket list, but no one is too young for a bucket list. We are never promised another minute in our lives which is why we must put the things that matter the most first.

While serving on active duty in the US Navy, I became sick. In 2011, a doctor told me that with everything I had going on that it would be a miracle if I lived another five years. I was in denial for a while and then realized that even more than ever I need to be intentional about identifying what is important to me and make sure it happens. It’s given me a great outlook on life and has allowed me to do things that I never thought I’d ever do. Yes, if you’ve already done the math in your head, it is 2016, so by the opinion of one of my doctors, I shouldn’t be here anymore. Well, I am and I will continue to add things to my bucket list, cross them off and add new things. I will live every day like it’s my last.

I want to encourage each one of you that reads this post to do the same. Think about what is important to you. Write it down, so it and check it off your list. Add new things as you realize them. I make it sound simple and realize that it’s not, but you must start somewhere to avoid regrets.

It’s been an EPIC year for my bucket list. If you are interested in reading, here are some highlights of the big moments:

  • I participated in the Inaugural Red Sox Women’s Fantasy Camp. I went down to Jet Blue in Fort Myers and met and was taught and coached by Red Sox pros like Rich Gedman, Dave Smith, Rico Petrocelli, Alan Embree, Trot Nixon, Butch Hobson, Brian Daubach and Victor Rodriguez. Playing alongside of 47 other women who love the Red Sox like I do and playing at Jet Blue was amazing. I’m heading back to camp again in 2017, and I can’t wait!

  • As part of the camp package, we got to play a reunion game at Fenway Park. I’ve dreamt of just being on the field since I was a little girl. I got to be the first female relief pitcher to pitch in an all-women’s game. It’s a good thing I have pictures as it was a surreal experience.

  • For Christmas, my husband surprised me with tickets to the Valentine’s Day Andrea Bocelli concert in Tampa, FL. I’ve always wanted to see Andrea Bocelli. This was an extra sweet gesture as I have had significant hearing loss over the past few years. I’m at the point where I mostly rely on reading lips. Patrick wanted to make sure I could hear Andrea Bocelli before I get a cochlear implant. At that point I wouldn’t be able to hear the beautiful sounds that that man makes.

  • I finished my Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership with a concentration in Coaching and Mentoring. I did it because I love to continue to learn and develop myself, especially when it comes to my passion…leading and coaching others. I had a goal to complete it in one year, all while working full time. I walked across the stage in May!

  • I joined the John Maxwell Team. I have always loved John Maxwell’s books and have read every one of them at least once. Not only is he the #1 leadership expert in the world, but he is now my personal mentor. One of my dreams has always been to travel the world teaching people about leadership with John Maxwell. By joining the team, my dream is now coming true.

  • Patrick and I decided that we needed a change and that we needed to focus more on each other so we made the decision to quit our jobs, sell two houses and move to Florida. Leaving a wonderful team who I love dearly was a tough decision, but I was so grateful for the support and encouragement I received. We are building a new house in Florida and have been spending a ton of time getting reacquainted with each other.

  • Finally, I made the decision to focus on my passion to help other people “achieve their amazing”. To me there is no better feeling in the world than adding value to someone’s life by teaching them something that will make them a better person or to help someone realize their potential and see them get there. Henceforth, I started my own business, Modglin Leadership Solutions. I offer training on different facets of leadership to groups and organizations, do organizational assessments and cater training and coaching to their needs, offer programs for young people to develop confidence, self-esteem, leadership and resilience. I also offer professional coaching for people who are trying to take things to the next level and life coaching for people who are trying to achieve goals or even start setting goals. I’ve also developed a program titled, “Rewrite your story: Change your life” which focuses on helping people overcome obstacles that are preventing them from living the life they want to live and help them focus on those things that are most important.

Please check out my website at to see what services are available. You can also check out my Facebook page (Modglin Leadership Solutions). Please share this information with friends, family, colleagues, businesses that you know of or work at who invest in their employees or anyone else you think may be interested.

The dialogue that I would like to start for this week is this:

If you knew you had only five years to live, what would be most important to you to see, do or accomplish?

I look forward to reading your comments!

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